Rescheduling- I understand that life happens- so if you need to reschedule your appointment, I just ask for 24-hour notice so I have a chance to fill your vacant time slot. If sufficient notice is not given I charge a fee of 50% of the missed appointment. In the case of no-call no-shows or cancellations made within 3 hours of your appointment, the fee is 100% of the missed appointment. This fee must be paid before future massages can be scheduled.

Hands-on Massage time- Your session begins and ends in your appointment window. In order for us to have as much hands-on time as possible I suggest arriving a few minutes (but no more than 10) early to allow yourself ample time to use the restroom and get on the table. If you are late, your session still ends on time, and the full price of the booked session with be charged.

Waiver- The majority of my intake communication is oral. I think hearing from you is better than reading it from a page. However, to protect both of us, I do require that you sign an Informed Consent/Waiver that states you understand that massage is not a replacement for medical attention and that it is your job to inform me of all conditions/medications.