I am a clinically trained massage therapist who performs intuitively therapeutic bodywork. Meaning- I’m educated to help fix your problems, but I tailor my treatment to your specific body. Your body is unlike anyone else’s because your life has been unique to you. So I work with your body, not a stagnant protocol from an outdated book.

“I’ve never had a massage like that before…”

I’m tirelessly passionate about helping people out of pain.

massage therapy

I regularly hear, “I’ve never had a massage like that before.” That’s because my approach to massage is just…different.

I am constantly questioning- attempting to understand the root of things. Why is something the way that it is? And what caused that to be? What if we try this to remedy the problem? Why didn’t that work?

In bodywork, the more questions you ask and the more critically you think, the better results you achieve.

I graduated at the top of my class from the Soma Institute in 2014, where I studied evidence-based clinical and sports massage techniques. Through that education, I learned the right questions to ask to help with most injury/ pain diagnoses.

rotator cuff massage

What sets me apart from other clinical massage therapists (and often, physical therapists) is that I am not simply treating your diagnosis using the protocols from a textbook. No low back injury is identical to the next and treating them with the same techniques is a waste of everyone’s time.

My questions help me to reverse engineer YOUR specific problem so that each treatment is customized to YOUR specific body. This helps me achieve incredible results.

best massage

Have you ever gone for a massage and told the massage therapist, “my neck is killing me,” and then they only save two minutes for your neck?!

That will never happen with me- your priority is my priority. This is why the first thing I do is listen, followed up by asking all my questions. Then WE will come up with a game plan to help us achieve your goals- be they pain relief, a better golf swing, or even just more comfortable sleep. Depending on your goals, I will utilize a multitude of techniques varying from deep myofascial release and PNF stretches to cupping and Graston. Much of what I do is deep tissue, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be digging my elbows in your back just to watch you squirm. It is always my intention to elicit change in unhealthy tissue within your comfort levels. Most of what I do should “hurt so good.”